How reliable is science? (The limitations of science)

by David Turell @, Thursday, April 12, 2012, 15:43 (4405 days ago) @ xeno6696

It is the unscrupulous who get us into trouble. And peer review fascilitates by using group think pressure. Matt take note.
> It's as simple as this: I don't see it happening that way. My interface with all those things is in the computer architectures designed to run their simulations and compute their calculations. In my field, even cherished ideas such as the Turing Machine get regularly challenged. I don't buy that this doesn't happen everywhere. Only time will tell who's right David.-Too much money is affecting basic cancer research:-, you know the world is a dirty competitive place. Competition is fine, dishonesty, never. I'll bet it is in the computer world also. Turing is the computer god. What are the doubts?

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