Other Forms of Life (Evolution)

by BBella @, Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 19:08 (5652 days ago) @ dhw

part 2 - >Once we neutralize the concept (as in David's panentheism), we are free to speculate according to the evidence of the world as it is. Perhaps you yourself can think of a suitable term. - I try so very hard to only form my own opinion, or to speculate, from what I personally experience or see, and even that is not always what it seems, so I even keep what I see at arms length from influencing definite's within my mind. Because, as I think I've said once before here, once I form a definite opinion about something, that something always changes. The terms I use to define what IS is, WHAT IS, or, UNIVERSE, and always with the idea that universe, or what IS, is a living being within itself, which I gained this perspective by my own 'out of body' experience (which is what Dave called it). When I read the Holographic Universe, it came closest, so far, to expressing what I experienced myself. So from this point (mine), universe (we) have every quality and every emotion and every possibility that can be and so is within me as well. - 
> Your scenario, however, suggests two types of force: one made the universe, and one made life on Earth. This adds at least one more link to the chain, - Actually, 3 types of forces; one made the universe (a god outside the universe looking in), which I didn't suggest; and then one made life on earth, which actually, I said(or meant to say)"used" life on earth, combined with it's own life, to create what we have become. And then the last force, suggested above, which is that ALL is the universe itself and nothing is outside of it, and each of us is a holograph or reflection of the whole which IS. - > In your last paragraph, you write: "The more we see commonality among species the more we grow feelings for them." And you express the hope that whatever created us might do the same. For all levels, human and "divine", I can only echo your sentiments. As Hamlet put it: "'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished." - And if all there is to fear is ourselves, hopefully one day we will come to have feelings for our most deepest and darkest inner fears so to evolve feelings for our whole selves.

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