Proving common descent (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 20:40 (4218 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: 1) random mutations
> 2) God deliberately creating each new organ and organism separately
> 3) Organisms responding to new environmental conditions by inventing new forms
> You have consistently argued in favour of God pre-programming evolution, so let me see if I can pin you down. Since you believe in evolution, you believe that every living form is descended from earlier living forms (so exit (2)). If you reject the idea that the cell communities that make up every organism exploited new conditions by inventing new forms, exactly which part of these organisms do you think God pre-programmed to turn eventually into humans ... via those essential but now dead diddywocks, dumblebucks and dinosaurs, since you say elsewhere "the species that came and went were preparation for the next step"?-I believe there is a yet-to-be-found complexity program in DNA that drives evolution to more complex forms.

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