Chimp vs. human brain (Introduction)

by hyjyljyj @, Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 17:31 (4162 days ago) @ David Turell

David: "The problem you are having is the problem atheists have. They want God to have a human-ly series of logical thoughts."-Not to nitpick, because my thinking isn't clear enough at this point for that; but I could venture that even theists insist we are created in God's image. So, if our logic and reason are God-given (Thomas Paine's foundational cornerstone of deism), then why wouldn't we expect him to have a series of logical thoughts essentially congruent with our own, even if on a far grander scale?-"There must be a first cause, information is present which had to come from somewhere, and that cause did it the way He wanted; His logic not ours! The problem is atheists and agnostics try to out-think God."-"Atheists and agnostics [trying] to out-think God" appears to me to grant a priori truth status to the notion that God exists; whereas of all groups, one might expect these two to be near the very bottom of the list of those who would do that. Is there any presupposition of the truth of the premise here? -(I promise these two questions are not intended as some kind of snarky, pedantic retort. I could just be misreading the underlying intent, plus my command of logic is far from towering. Please fill me in, where do I err?)

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