A Scientists Approach to Creation (Origins)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Thursday, January 17, 2013, 00:06 (4127 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Sorry for some many replies in such short succession, but I had one more question regarding the radiometric dating.-
From the current theory of how the Earth formed, pretty much all matter in the early earth would not only have been extremely hot, but depending on your view, we should also have seen one of two other affects that we do not see. -The first is based on gravity being the major function, which suggests that ALL of the heavier elements would have gravitated to the core of the planet, leaving your magma flows to consist primarily of lighter elements and perhaps a light dusting of the heavier ones in the form of sediments. -The second would be that the earths initial higher rotational velocity should have forced the heavier elements to the outside, leaving the inner core composed primarily of lighter elements. -To muddy the waters further, if the early earth was molten, then none of our radiometric dating is valid anyways, because there is no way to prove any sort of homogeneity of isotopes in the original formation of the rocks, nor any way to know how the heat variations would have affected those atomic clocks. -The final icing that I can think of, for the moment at least, is two part. First, do we/can we account for the spread of isotopes distributed through accretion and cataclysmic events? (Earthquakes, floods, volcanos, meteorstrikes, etc)

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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