The difference of Man (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 21:52 (4102 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: I am going to summarize this discussion, because arrows are flying in all directions..... It began with my questioning the point of the great-ape-taxonomy-debate. David, you think that classifying humans as primates degrades their specialness. I agree that our huge brains are special, but I see no reason why the classification "primate" should be regarded as degrading. -Your lack of seeing my point is why the discussion kept going. The key to my objection about clasifying us as primates, is that atheists constantly use the classification to imply we are not so special. We are just naked apes as the book said. But our posture is different, our skeleton is different, our gait is different, our hands are different (opposible thumbs) and our brain is enormously different. We are beyond primate although we came from there.

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