End-triassic extinction: Problems with Dating Igneous Rock (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Saturday, March 23, 2013, 18:58 (4072 days ago) @ David Turell

David: Do you think the Planck CMB findings give an accurate estimate of the age of the universe? I've touched 2 million year old Vishnu shist at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and I've had my hand on the missing 750 million year Great Unconformity in the presence of a Grand Canyon Geology Professor expert. Am I wrong to accept what he taught me?-Yes and no. All knowledge is built upon the knowledge that came before. We all stand on the shoulders of giants. In that respect, it is certainly not wrong for you to accept what you were taught.... as long as it is kept in the correct perspective. What he taught you was not fact. It was the most accurate according to the general consensus of the time. Consensus is not science.-Science is about observations and asking questions. If we do not question what we are told, we are doing it wrong. If we have observations that do not fit the theories, what do we through out, the theories or the observations? There is a lot of data that does not fit the current dating theories, so what do we throw out, the theories or the data? Do we write off everything that does not agree with the theory as an anomaly?-I read an article today(which you could find reading through those links, or I could go back and find if you are interested) where NASA had a collection of moon rock samples dated. The dates ranged from 200,000 to 8by old. All tests performed on the same samples, almost none of them agreed on a date. Unfortunately, when you selectively choose which test you are going to use according to which test is going to give the dates you are looking for, you are introducing a subjective bias into the data. -As far as the Plank CMB findings, I think that observations are accurate data given are current technological capabilities. The interpretation of that data however is another story. There are numerous assumptions made, many of which are certainly not givens.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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