Innovation and Speciation: pre-planning (Evolution)

by dhw, Saturday, May 31, 2014, 12:30 (3624 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: I focus on one issue. Why are humans here at the pinnacle of evolution? You keep focusing on how.-When you entitle your thread: "Innovation and Speciation: pre-planning" you are focusing on how, not why, and that is why I object. I find it difficult to imagine your God preprogramming all human-related innovations into the first forms of life, to be passed down through billions of generations of billions of organisms, especially when there are alternative ways in which he could have achieved his purpose (if he exists, and if he had such a purpose).
DAVID: Your alternatives all question the purposeful appearance of humans. All I am doing is pointing out that humans are not necessary, but they are here, and I wonder why, and answer my wonder with a solution that makes sense to me.-I have offered two alternatives that do not question purpose: 1) God experimenting in order to fulfil his purpose; 2) humans were not the ORIGINAL purpose, but he let evolution run its course, and intervened when he had the idea for humans ... which means the human purpose came later. My object in making these proposals was to find a theistic scenario that would explain the higgledy-piggledy bush and what you call its "side inventions" ... a problem which your pre-planning scenario fails to address.

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