A Panpsychist Hypothesis (General)

by dhw, Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 13:12 (3636 days ago) @ GateKeeper

Dhw(to David): you will find yourself in the difficult position of acknowledging that his intelligence is not unlike our own: potential rather than actual, until it gains information and learns how to use it. And once you agree to that, you could find yourself on the slippery slope to my panpsychist hypothesis. Ah, Heaven forbid!-Gatekeeper: we are part of that intelligence, so I would expect ours to have parts of what his has. Just like a blood cell operates with many of the same structures as a neuron.-If God exists, I too would expect our intelligence to be like his (though immeasurably inferior). The logical corollary, of course, is that in that case, his intelligence would be like ours ... e.g. in its ability to learn from and build on experience. That is the point I'm making in my discussion with David. Alternatively, if God does not exist as a single being, we have zillions of evolved and evolving intelligences (though different in their makeup) operating in the same accumulative and progressive way.

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