Evolution (Introduction)

by George Jelliss ⌂ @, Crewe, Thursday, July 16, 2009, 08:19 (5434 days ago) @ David Turell

I still don't quite understand your distinction between micro- and macro- evolution. - You wrote: "We still do not know how macroevolution is achieved: large jumps or tiny steps. That issue is of major importance to arriving at a final and definitive theory of evolution." - In the video RD indicates that in the evolution of the whale the nostril of the creature gradually moved up and back to become the blow hole, and that the back legs atrophied, and the body streamlined. All these processes could clearly be accomplished by very small steps, not requiring any large jumps. - Is your case simply that because there are gaps in the fossil record we are not justified in making this claim? If so I don't see how the case could ever be proved to your satisfaction. Even a film of a flower growing has to be done by time-lapse photography. The fossil evidence for evolution is rather like time-lapse photography, but on a much slower or larger scale.


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