horizontal gene transfer: the real IM? (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, December 19, 2014, 18:16 (3422 days ago) @ David Turell

TONY: Note that I did not say HGT does not happen. We know from experimental data that virus's do in fact copy dna to/from it's host. We also know that during sexual reproduction genetic material is transferred in the blending of genes from both parents into the final child life form. My main point was that the other methods of transmission were clearly, by the wording of the author, speculation, not the result of experimental data which would have been cited had it existed.-DAVID (quoting): "The fact that horizontal gene transfer happens among eukaryotes does not require a complete overhaul of standard evolutionary theory, but it does compel us to make some important adjustments. According to textbook theories of evolution, the major route of genes moving between organisms is parent to child - whether through sex or asexual cloning - not this sneaky business of escorting genes between unrelated organisms. We must now acknowledge that, even among the most complex organisms, vertical is not the only direction in which genes travel."-http://aeon.co/magazine/science/how-horizontal-gene-transfer-changes-evolutionary-theory/-I've re-read the essay. I find it very positively presented, and damaging to Darwin theory, as God could have set this up as part of His evolutionary program.
-No matter what mechanism drives evolution, a theist can argue that God could have set it up, so that can hardly be said to damage the theories of common descent and natural selection. HGT illustrates cooperation between autonomous organisms (using their own inventive intelligence). As such it offers a far more convincing explanation of innovations than random mutations, and it goes against gradualism, but we have already long since agreed that Darwin probably got that wrong. Ah well, I know how you love to flog dead horses!

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