Evolution v Creationism: guided evolution? dhw? (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Sunday, March 29, 2015, 16:04 (3353 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: Your acknowledgement that your God might have produced earlier universes and might go on producing universes runs parallel to my suggestion that first-cause non-conscious energy is capable of doing the same thing.-This contention of yours that unconscious energy is capable of invention goes against all current theories about energy:-"All know what energy is. The capability to do a work. Mechanical work/energy is defined as a force producing a shift. A moving object has kinetic energy, due to its speed. Thermal energy is due to the disordered motions of the molecules making up matter. Electric energy is a flow of electrons. Chemical energy is sort of potential energy able to power chemical reactions. Radiant energy is carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation.-"Energy can power the systems, but never can create the organized system in the first place. In short, energy is the fuel, not the engine. Example, in photosynthesis, used by plants to convert light energy into chemical energy, the light energy presupposes a photosynthesis system just in place. The light energy doesn't create the photosynthesis system, like the photons don't create the photovoltaic cell that outputs electric current.-"In all definitions of “energy” there is nothing that could lead us to think that energy is able to transform improbable states into probable states. Consequently, energy cannot change the situation of the 2nd law: energy cannot create organization, which always implies highly improbable states. Indeed the opposite: per se uncontrolled energy is destructive. Example: an abandoned building is slowly but inexorably destroyed by the natural forces of the environment during some centuries. If we increases the energy by considering a flood, it can be destroyed in some days. With more energy, a tornado can destroy it in minutes. Finally with the energy of a bomb we can destroy the building in few seconds. More the energy, more the speed of destruction. -"If we consider the physical principle of mass-energy equivalence we reach the same conclusion as above. Mass per se has nothing to do with real organization. Mass and matter are simply the initial support/substance on which an higher principle — intelligence/essence — must operate to obtain a final organized system." (my bold)-http://www.uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/the-illusion-of-organizing-energy/

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