Darwin & Wallace (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Sunday, October 04, 2015, 23:53 (3163 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: I really have no way of knowing what sort of guidance, nor do I care. Since there are huge gaps in the fossil record and I believe in theistic evolution, God may well have produced each jump in speciation.
> dhw: God producing each jump in speciation = creationism, as opposed to evolution. That's a big jump in the evolution of Turellian thinking, though it is neatly balanced by your response on 1 October to my scepticism: “...perhaps the drive did not need the direct intervention of God's dabbling to produce the oddities. The thought gives me a different answer about the dabbling issue. Thank you for the stimulation.” -It is not a big jump in Turellian thinking. I've always thought of the process as theistic evolution, and yes, as I've noted before, I am a form of creationist.-> dhw:I find that the explanations offered by atheistic Darwinism as epitomised by Richard Dawkins, and theistic evolutionary anthropocentrism as epitomised by David Turell, are full of huge gaps which I try to point out. I'm afraid your “So?” does not fill the gaps.-These are gaps you create by your analysis. Why do I have to explain how God did it? We see common descent and we see the pinnacle of evolution as complex humans. We also see the challenges of nature do not require humans. For me it is an easy jump to presume that God guided evolution to create humans, and not worry why the weaver bird nest is so complex.
> DAVID: I see purpose. You see confusion. And when you approach God and ignore purpose, your 'theistic brain' gets all muddled, in my view. That is your problem when you try to be theistic. We do not know if God's logic is 'our' logic. Try looking for purpose.
> dhw: The only purpose you have offered me so far is the production of humans...... Perhaps it might help if you told us what you think was God's purpose in producing humans.-Simple. God is sentient. He wanted sentient beings to converse with, to relate to Him. As you do, I can imagine God's wishes. I really doubt He did his out of boredom.

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