Information Complication (General)

by David Turell @, Thursday, November 19, 2015, 15:35 (3103 days ago) @ BBella
edited by David Turell, Thursday, November 19, 2015, 15:46

Bbella: I agree there is three distinct: matter, information and intelligence. But as I see it, no three can be without the other.-Yes, but! Matter can contain information (instructions), as in a code such as DNA. However, it takes intelligence to understand the code and to use its directives to accomplish the purpose of those instructions. In life all three work together as you observe.-What is the start of this? There must always have been energy/matter. Dynamic information cannot appear de novo, because it is instructions for process, not descriptive of static material, alive or dead or originally inanimate. Only an intellect can create or understand dynamic information. (Static also, but beside the point.) Therefore intelligence was present from the beginning. Note, dhw, this is not theology.

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