Bruce Lipton & the cell (Introduction)

by dhw, Wednesday, December 23, 2015, 18:02 (3054 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: I came across this very long article and interview... 
QUOTE: Dr. Lipton has also been a pioneer in applying the principles of quantum physics to the field of cellular biology. Traditional cell biology focuses on physical molecules that control biology. Dr. Lipton on the other hand focuses on the mechanisms through which energy in the form of our beliefs can affect our biology, including our genetic code.
DAVID: Back to panpsychism-This is not panpsychism. He is talking about the influence of the mind on the body. -QUOTE: Our source, "identity," is not from within the body, and it is immortal; We are not victims of life we are creators of life; a human organism is not an singular individual, it is in reality, a "community" of sentient cells.
DAVID: Back to universal consciousness at a cellular level.-I thought you might like the bit about our immortal identity. He seems to share quite a lot of your ideas. But yes, we are back to yet another cellular biologist who believes that cells are sentient, conscious beings that live and cooperate in communities. The support is growing.-QUOTE: Q: Do cells have a "brain"?
A: The cell membrane [ie, its skin] reads environmental stimuli, transduces the information into a biochemical "awareness" which is then used to regulate cell behavior and gene activity.
DAVID: True. Automatically.-He doesn't say “automatically”.-QUOTE: A: Cells came together in community to share awareness and enhance their survival. The same thing applies as to individuals in a human community. In community, each individual gives up their own "control" of what they are going to do and instead conforms to the coordinating central voice's directives.
DAVID: He is with you. He likes purposeful cell committees.-I am very much inclined to be with him. He is a cellular biologist who shares the views of his fellow biologists Margulis, Shapiro, McClintock, Buehler et al...I certainly do not feel qualified to say he and they are absolutely wrong.-QUOTE: Q: How is a cell community organized so that it survives. What/who is in "control"?
A: The brain is the source of the "central voice." It has two subdivisions, the subconscious and the conscious mind. The subconscious is a million times more powerful than the conscious. But the subconscious is only "habitual," it will only play the programs with which it has been loaded. 95% of our daily activities are controlled by the subconscious mind. The less powerful conscious mind is unique for it is creative, it can "observe" the body's operations and manually control the mechanism, overriding the read-only subconscious programs.-DAVID: He is confusing human consciousness with cellular activity. He wants cells with a subconscious. Just a stupid comparison-I thought you believed that cells carried masses and masses of information which they processed automatically. That is their “subconscious”, and he is saying that this constitutes 95% of their activity. But it is the other 5% of ”consciousness” that does the creative work - the equivalent of the “brain”. It sounds stupid to you because you refuse even to contemplate the possibility that cells are sentient, cognitive beings.
DAVID: I accept some of his direct reasonable biochemical cellular reaction comments. As for the rest:
QUOTE: His [Lipton's] first claim of mutations not being random has no evidence whatsoever to support it.-I am surprised that you have chosen to quote this article. The very first words are directly opposed to your own beliefs regarding random mutations, and if you read the comments that follow the article, you will see some informed debunking of the debunker. I haven't read the book and haven't had time to listen to the lecture but, quite apart from his championship of the intelligent cell, I found the article and interview (especially Lipton's views concerning the mind's influence on the body) interesting and stimulating. One of the contributors to the above link has stressed how much in tune his ideas are with eastern philosophies. -DHW: Much food for thought, though this can only be ingested through an open mind.

BBELLA: I read his book and am open to his findings.-Thank you. I am all in favour of openness. It complements the scepticism, and leads to a healthy balance up here on the picket fence.

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