Identity (Identity)

by dhw, Tuesday, September 01, 2009, 20:23 (5363 days ago) @ xeno6696

Matt recommended "an absolutely awesome theory for NDE's" from the show "Where am I", on to my technical incompetence, I wasted about an hour trying to find the right show and the right part of the show! A doctor gets pilots to sit in a centrifuge which rotates at colossal speeds. A lot of them then have weird, dreamlike visions unconnected with reality (don't drugs and alcohol have a similar effect?), like fishing or being in a supermarket, and some of them experience OBEs afterwards, being above or behind themselves, and seeing tunnels with a white light (also experienced in NDEs). -The doctor does not draw any conclusions, except that "the brain is confused at having lost the body". This, however, sheds no light on the aspect of NDEs that I find particularly intriguing, which is that some patients obtain information not known at the time but later confirmed by independent witnesses. My main question to you though, Matt, is: what exactly is the "awesome theory"?

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