Genome complexity: mechanism stopped evolving (Introduction)

by BBella @, Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 20:45 (2898 days ago) @ David Turell

> > dhw: I had suggested he kept an eye on it because maybe he invented it precisely in order to keep an eye on it - i.e. as the hidden audience, the intention being an enjoyably unpredictable spectacle (see below), though he could always step in. You agree that he's hidden, but you don't like him being an audience - he apparently wants a relationship and that, mysteriously, is why he hides.
> Spoken like a playwright. What you miss is the obvious requirement of faith, the reason He stays hidden.-In the bible story, God spoke directly to his creation and so no requirement of faith/belief was required from him. Then God stopped speaking to man and then angels showed up and began speaking to them relaying Gods message (why God have to rely on angels? why couldnt he still speak to them himself?). Then they too disappeared. Then when they left, in comes Jesus (supposedly God in physicality on earth - though he never claimed to be God himself). Jesus spoke directly to his followers, so faith in a mysterious unseen God was not required then as well - only that they have faith/belief that he was who he said he was. So, according to the scriptures, God has not require faith/belief in a mysterious unseen figure. But, of course, anyone can choose to believe in an unseen figure as God. But think of the story flow here. God first speaks directly to them - altho they never seen him face to face, only heard his voice. Moses is the only one that supposedly seen him face to face, yet that is disputable, since the scriptures also says no "man" has ever seen God. So first they can hear his voice, then he sends representatives, then his son appears- then he disappears and now we have no one but our belief that there is someone out there that calls himself God. Definitely sounds to me closer to humans antics and less like an all powerful limitless being that created all that is. So if the first God, then his angels, then his son werent humans and doesnt sound like an all powerful creator God - what were they? The plot thickens: In walks the alien that fits neatly and perfectly into this scenario. What if I am right? Have you ever asked yourselves that?
> > dhw: Maybe he's not all wise. Maybe he's a process God, learning as he goes. Wouldn't it be incredibly boring to know everything? Do you enjoy novels, plays, films whose plot developments and denouement are already obvious from the start?
> Again, the playwright in action. I don't believe true process theology takes that specific viewpoint.-Yes, that is exactly how process theology goes.-> > dhw: Or maybe there was just energy in the beginning, and energy kept and keeps transforming itself into all the forms we know and don't know, some of them conscious, some of them not. And that would explain why ATI is such a rich mystery, and why we spend so much time vainly trying to grasp the ungraspable.
> Your supposition sounds just like conscious energy from the beginning, not requiring much transformation to accomplish goals!-But he said some of the forms are conscious and some are not. If conscious energy is what was from/in the beginning, then how can there be unconscious forms? From what would conscious energy form the unconscious form from?

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