Quantum Physics: Lights Frozen in Time (General)

by dhw, Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 15:30 (2811 days ago) @ BBella

BBELLA: In answer to your question: why it has to be a hologram?
I wished I had the ability to answer with my own words, but since I do not, I found this to be the best answer that works for me.-http://www.spaceandmotion.com/Physics-David-Bohm-Holographic-Universe.htm-A very revealing article. Many thanks, BBella. I have extracted some quotes which seem to me to put rIght many of the misleading claims we have been reading about. -QUOTE: The holo portion signifies that reality is structured in a manner that is very similar to holography. Bohm says that the universe is like a hologram.-OK if it's an image. The essence seems to be that the unified whole has many different layers, which we can only see selectively.
QUOTE: Therefore, depending on the direction and frequency of the beam that you send through the film, a different hologram will appear. So, if applied to the brain, consciousness literally becomes the co-creator of the reality portrayed depending upon its angle of perception. This does not mean that if I am looking at a tree, it is not really there. The tree is there on multidimensional levels, which means that I am seeing a cross-section of the tree depending on the level of consciousness that I am tuned into. If the brain is a decoder of sorts, then it can be tuned to different states or frequencies of consciousness, and I will see different levels of tree reality depending upon which one I'm on.-The all-important factor for me is that the tree is real, but we can only perceive aspects of it. My disagreement with some of the articles we have been reading (and also my disagreement with Ruth Kastner) concerns two arguments: that objective reality may not exist, and that quantum reality may be more real than everyday reality. My view has always been firstly that although our perception of reality is subjective, that does NOT mean there is no such thing as objective reality; secondly, that the reality we live in has proved itself over and over again to be real, through experience, experimentation and invention, and I do not accept the claim that another potential reality may be more real than this one. (My little tale of Professor Mia Pratt was meant to demonstrate that.)
QUOTE: Therefore, mind contributes to the phenomenon of reality itself, not just to the knowledge of it. In a brain that operates holographically, the remembered image of a thing can have as much impact on the senses as the thing itself. -I would put it differently: mind contributes nothing to the phenomenon of reality itself; it only contributes to our perception of reality. And it is our perception of reality, THROUGH the senses, which in turn impacts upon the mind. The impact is also real, but that does not necessarily mean that the perception corresponds to the objective reality. (It would have done during Mia Pratt's last moments, but it never does when I try to assemble a cupboard.) -QUOTE: According to the holographic model, the mind/body ultimately cannot distinguish the difference between the neural holograms the brain uses to experience reality and the ones it conjures up while imagining reality. This effect is so powerful that each of us possesses the ability, at least at some level, to influence our health and control our physical form.-Proven to be true, in so far as the mind is known to affect the body. But you don't need a holographic image to understand that. In matters of perception (both physical and psychological), we generally do not know where the borderline lies between experience and imagination. All our perceptions are limited to a number of dots, and so it is the imagination that joins the dots into a pattern. Whatever pattern of reality we form will influence our response to what we believe to be that reality. That response may well influence our health, i.e. may affect the physical as well as the mental side of our being.-QUOTE: It isn't that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn't there aren't objects out there, at one level of reality. It's that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different reality. And that other reality can explain things that have hitherto remained inexplicable scientifically: paranormal phenomena, and synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events.-Superb! There are different levels of reality, and we cannot say that one level is more important or more “real” than another. Since our means of perception are so limited, we have no idea what other potential realities there are, but we should not assume that they are there until we find them, and we should not assume they are not there if there seems to be evidence that they are. This applies as much to paranormal phenomena as to particles. I still don't know why we need the image of the hologram, but if people find it helpful, that's fine with me!

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