Evolution took a long time (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, December 21, 2016, 21:14 (2673 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: So please explain why God had to design its complex nest (as opposed to a simple nest) to enable life to go on so that humans could develop? “Freewheeling” is, of course, precisely what I am suggesting - the process whereby organisms autonomously organize their own restructuring (as well as lifestyles and wonders), in contrast to the tight control you have previously ascribed to your God. Please tell us what mechanism you think enabled some species to freewheel off course in spite of God’s tight control, and what changes you think God made to enable them to produce humans.

My freewheeling mechanism is a theoretical form of an inventive mechanism which we have discussed as a possibility to explain the bush of life. The bush supplies the necessary food source for life to continue until humans appeared. Remember evolution took about 3.6 billion years to reach the human form. Evolution never went off course. Humans are here.

dhw: As for balance of nature, the latest example of dead baby turtles (thank you) illustrates precisely what it means:

'The authors have shown experimentally that smaller animals also benefit from this energy,” he says. “Sandy beaches are generally energy-poor systems, so the regular seasonal inputs of turtle eggs are important to the microscopic and macroscopic animals that live there.'”

David’s comment: A very clear example of how ecosystems work and provide food for all layers of life. Without these ecosystems food energy supplies would disappear and life would cease.

dhw: Yes indeed. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the production of humans, and if humans were to disappear from the planet, there would still be “balance of nature” so long as there is life.

Already explained. Evolution takes a long time to reach humans. Balance of nature is needed all the time for food energy, humans or no humans, but humans arrived and needed the energy for evolution to get here. Your point is totally off the point.

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