Paradise (Where is it now?)

by BBella @, Tuesday, January 05, 2010, 01:01 (5236 days ago) @ George Jelliss

It's true that we can all make speculations, but what's the point if there is no evidence? Without that it's all just fiction. -Many of us do not need absolute evidence to believe (as you know). I have looked at both possibilities and read what is considered evidence on both sides. But the choice I made to believe in an afterlife really had nothing to do with any information I gathered on either side. My reason or point, at that time, for believing in an afterlife came down to my facing the possibility of my death at an earlier age than what I expected would be my allotted time here..and having plenty of time to ponder it...I did. I had to quit looking outside myself at others perspectives (finding nothing to ease my mind) and start looking inside for the possibility of something that could ease my mind and body. For some reason, unknown to me, the idea of an afterlife eased my mind, and so I began to explore my imagination to expand on just what an afterlife might be like. I have kept that belief (not set in stone of course) for the same reason or point...because it brings ease to my mind and body. -Of course there is a 50/50 chance this belief is not true...but there is that possibility that there is an afterlife. As long as there is even 1% possibility it might be true, there is nothing wrong in our using our God(?) given imagination to play with the idea. -My question is this...if there truly IS an would we know it? How could it be proven there truly is one since we only find out after death?

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