Cellular intelligence (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Thursday, March 17, 2022, 15:47 (790 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: Why is it so important to you that God allows organisms to self-design? How does that help you solve the issue of whether God exists? I'll add an article today about directed mutation which follows on a previous entry.

dhw: This has nothing to do with the question of God’s existence! IF he exists, I’d like to know what our world might reveal of his possible nature, purpose and method. You now appear to believe that your God deliberately created a system of war and aggression rather than a pacifistic, pastoral system. And yet I thought you believed he was a kind God. You reject the possibility of an interesting free-for-all, so please tell us why you think he wanted war.

Total sidestep of my direct question.

Meanwhile, here is your “added article”:

Evidence of non-random mutation
QUOTE: These results upend the traditional example of random mutation and natural selection, turning it into an example of a nonrandom yet non-Lamarckian mutation. (David’s bold)

DAVID: Wow! Here we see just the mechanism dhw proposes in a very specific limited example, changing hemoglobin into form malaria cannot enter. And it doesn't seem a chance random mutation. But this is not at the level of complex phenotypical or physiological design dhw wants God to give organisms.

dhw: This has nothing to do with God’s deliberate creation of life as “a constant war to survive by eating”, but I’m delighted to see such support for my theory. Thank you. (I agree that it doesn’t necessarily extend to innovations. That is why we only have a theory and not a fact.)

It shows more design at work. Another nail in Darwinism.

Carnivorous plants

DAVID: The response is instantaneous, but antibody production takes a little time. Killer immune cells are immediately active.

dhw: An instantaneous response that fails to kill the invader is not going to add a new volume to the library. The need to produce new antibodies makes it abundantly clear that the disease and the protection do NOT arrive simultaneously!

Neutrophils are spontaneous first responders.


DAVID: Must be designed all at once at the time the first real brains appeared, or brained life would not have survived.

dhw: It's possible that just like all other organs and organisms, they were subjected to toxins and antigens, and in what you call “the constant war to survive by eating”, in due course they developed their own forms of protection. No doubt many would have died before the cells were able to design this means of survival. Again, the attack would have preceded development of the defence. Just a theory.

More just-so wooliness

Bird migration

DAVID: Birds use God-given senses, and you carefully avoided the main point of the origin of the decision to migrate enormous distances.

dhw: If God exists, we also use God-given senses in order to make our decisions about where to go and how to get there. You just can’t imagine that birds might observe and learn and calibrate and recognize places without your God preprogramming them or planting a self-driving sat nav in their brains...I expect millions died in the search, but once a flock had found a sunny spot – no matter how far away – that became the destination for all their descendants. What’s your theory?

God. Another just-so wooliness theory. we are considering thousands of miles just to find a spot

How cells communicate

QUOTE: "In nature, many cells send and receive chemical signals. This strategy allows bacteria to regulate their behavior, fungi to mate and human cells to notify each other of threats.

DAVID: dhw how do cells exchange design ideas with these molecular signals?

dhw: These molecular signals are their language. If they can notify each other of threats, why should they not be able to notify each other of means to counter the threats, and of means to threaten others in what you call “the constant war to survive by eating”.

You have not described the ability to think to accomplish complex design in your favored cell committees.

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