God (The atheist delusion)

by dhw, Monday, June 30, 2008, 10:40 (5777 days ago) @ BBella

BBella asks if I have "a manifesto...or a list of absolutes...or a big T". - Like yourself, I'm lucky enough to have been born with a benevolent nature, and also to have enjoyed a happy marriage, family life and career. I have no manifesto, list of absolutes, or big T (though still searching, as you will gather from this website). However, one of the few pleasures I derived from Dawkins' The God Delusion was the 'New Ten Commandments' he reproduces on pp. 263/264, some of which I have quoted in the "brief guide" and also in my posting of 5 June at 21.02 under How do agnostics live? - These precepts accurately and admirably reflect my own priorities.

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