The Problem with Stenger (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, June 24, 2011, 03:21 (4726 days ago) @ David Turell

> My point is that I am not making an ad hominem comment. I've investigated and clearly know who he is. He is simply not a super-star theorist, but a devout atheist, trying to make points with the lay, unsuspecting public. Note that this article is four years after the Guth well-accepted presentation. I think Stenger chose to ignore well-established mainstream thinking to drive his neo-atheist agenda.-Here is another damaging attack on Stenger and his latest books, a devout atheist touting metaphysical inventions by theoretical mathematicians, none of which theories can ever have any proof.-,_part_1.thtml-The so-called science is laughable

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