The Horrors of Evolution (Evolution)

by edinburgh04 ⌂ @, edinburgh, Tuesday, September 09, 2008, 17:51 (5730 days ago) @ edinburgh04

3) David Turell asked you whether you believed in Young Earth Creationism or Old Earth Creationism, and I would also be interested in your answer. - I think that the Earth is Young. You can watch the video: - Evidence for a Young Earth - To find out some of the scientific reasons. In the next series I will do a talk called: "Does The Bible Teach That The Earth is Young?" It will be a theological talk and I am very much hoping that many Atheists and Agnostics will watch it. Not because I think it will persuade them. But I think Old Earth Christians are more likely to engage with an argument that comes from Atheists and Agnostics than one that comes from YECs. If Atheists can show the Bible teaches the Earth is young then those who believe the Bible and believe the Earth is old have to rethink one of their two positions. - Also if Atheists can prove to the general public, scientifically that the Earth is old and theologically that the Earth is young they have achieved most of their objective. - I think they have their work cut out explaining radio active carbon in rocks said to be millions of years old. And all the unfossilised flesh that keeps turning up from animals said to have died out millions of years ago. Trees buried upright that poke through "millions of years" worth of strata. The Horizon Problem and the Super Expansion of The Universe. I think people mainly accept the arguments for Old Earth because an Old Earth is a prerequisite for Evolution (which is fact). - Phil

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