Fundamentalism (General)

by Walter, Saturday, November 08, 2008, 13:04 (5684 days ago) @ David Turell

I'm still unhappy about Carl and David's attitude towards the Iraq catastrophe. Carl only seems to be concerned about the incompetence of the campaign, and David wants to know how we should deal with rogue nations generally. Fair enough subjects, but you just don't seem to be concerned about the ethical implicatons of this war. - Incontrovertable facts: the pretext on which the US went in was that Saddam had WMDs. Al-Quaeda links were thrown in as a sweetener. The UN was opposed to the invasion. International lawyers said it was illegal. Bush and his poodle Blair took no notice and went in all the same. As a result, there are millions of people dead, injured, homeless etc. There were no WMDs. Saddam had no link with Al-Quaeda. - Speculation: either Bush and Blair lied, or they were guilty of incompetence on a scale that beggers belief. - After detailed investigations, Nixon was threatened with impeachment over a burglary and a succession of lies. After detailed investigatons, Clinton was impeached over a couple of sex scandals. After detailed investigations, the head of the BBC was forced to resign over remarks about dossiers being "sexed up". Bush and Blair bring death and chaos to a foreign country. There are no detailed investigations. They get off scot free. (Carl, I used the word "heroically" ironically.) What does this show the rest of the world about western priorities?

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