Knowledge & Illusion (for Romansh) (General)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 21:51 (4491 days ago) @ David Turell

> Don't let the second law confuse you. Life overcomes entropy. We have an input of energy from the sun which is following the Second Law. We don't have to. we can organize and stay organized because of that energy input, which e put to good use.
> > -Call it nitpicking (I don't mean it as such) but the second law... no... I'm very sorry, Life is entirely subject to the second law as everything else is. Minimally we need to consume more energy than we use: End of story. We lose energy as heat. This is no different for the living than the nonliving. That book I'm reading from Giorbran is presenting a different look at order than I've ever seen: There is NO "chaos" as in "disorder" in our universe. There is only the transformation from grouping order to symmetric order. (Alpha and Omega states.) The second law describes *how* grouping order transforms into symmetric order. He still hasn't gotten to timelessness yet, but I've had alot on my plate...-> > So what do you mean by you? It is ultimately a very serious question for both the panentheist and those of us who have pantheistic urges. I agree with the molding. But it's not just our wives and what we perceive as past environments. It is also our genetics and the very nature of chemistry and physics.
> My genetics come to me fixed in place. I asssume I do a little epigenetic molding, especially my very plastic brain in younger years, but that molding is putting 'me' in place for the rest of my life. The chemistry and physics of my brain gets to a fixed place and I am 'me'. Example: I grew up in a standard liberal Jewish New York family. Loved New York and FDR. I learned better. I am now a Reagan Republican, a conservatve Texan thru and thru, and there is an S&W by my bed. I'm not paranoid. I am free of those original constraints. New York is good to visit for theater. 
> > 
> > > I certainly don't buy all the Darwinistic crap that much of the animal instincts have come through to me as a human descendent and I am controlled by them. 
> > I don't think Darwin actually thought that. I'm a quarter of the way through Origin ... I let you know.
> Darwin thought white folks were superior to all the others. We will leave the eugenics movement out of our discussion.
> -Well, to be truthful, this wasn't really all that different than how most Britons who grew up during the empire. But Eugenics? That was an American innovation. -> > 
> > I don't know if you have read much on the free will debate. Traditionally there have been three pugilists. Libertarians, who deny determinism (cause and effect?), compatibilists who are at home with both determinism and free will. (Hard)Determinists who can't see how we have cause and effect, and free will. And more recently (hard) indeterminists who think a lack of cause and effect (ie quantum phenomena) also deny the possibility of free will.
> I haven't, but probably need to. I'm a Liberarian from your definitions.-I'm a compatibilist: if you check out my recent response to dhw & Romansh, you'll see why.

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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