The Order of Rank (Humans)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Friday, April 27, 2012, 03:14 (4404 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> > If I say lightning is 
> > 
> > 1. caused by a difference in potential between positively charged particles and negatively charged particles, is that explanation better than 
> > 
> > 2. "Zeus throws lightning from Olympus?"
> > 
> > Now, dhw is right--the ultimate truth is sincerely unknowable. How do we know when we've reached it? My position now--as it has been all along--is that ultimate truth is irrelevant. Only if you become God can you gain it, so that entire avenue is done before it begins. 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > So far, I bet everyone is on board with me. So I'll ask again, what is it about statement 1 that is better than statement 2? I have my own thoughts, but I'm interested to hear some responses. Yes, I know that the example is simple, but I'll also challenge that the same logic holds even for explanations that are nowhere near as understood as electricity.
> Um, statement one is not better than statement two, nor is statement two better than statement one. They are answers to different questions. Lightning is the what, number one is the WHO and the other is the HOW, and there is nothing mentioned about the WHY. The WHERE is transitional from sky to earth and mainly a dispute about the origin :P Science can ONLY answer WHAT & HOW. Nothing else. Ever. Never Ever. 
Really? -Why does lightning happen? -Either your claim that science doesn't answer "why" questions is false, or the question "Why?" is faulty in the first place!-Other "why" questions science answers:-Why is the sky blue?-Why are plants green?-Why does helium only have one electron?-Why do I bleed when I'm cut?-Why do I fly into my seatbelt when I slam on the brakes? -Why does an anchor sink?-Why do I see double when I cross my eyes? -Why do I run out of breath when I climb stairs?-Why does my computer feel hot when I turn it off?-Why do stars twinkle?-Why do I walk into a room, and then forget what I was doing?-Why does my dog pant?-Why does oil float on water?-Why is Pepto Bismol pink?-Does Tony want me to keep asking why questions? -Why?-> That is where I get pissy with both science, religion, and even philosophy at times. They try to say that they are experts in each others fields and that they can prove/disprove/falsify each other. Science can NEVER tell us if "God did it" they can only tell us WHAT happened and HOW. Origins are beyond the scope of the scientific realm, and scientist should leave them alone(at least professionally)-I disagree with you here. Even if life is caused by a creator, at some point, inanimate matter becomes animate: It is precisely at such a juncture that science can shed answers. David disagrees with me on this, but even if there is a supernatural cause, there is a corresponding material explanation. God *must* coexist with science. (That part he WILL agree with.)

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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