Other Forms of Life (Evolution)

by BBella @, Sunday, December 14, 2008, 18:55 (5649 days ago) @ dhw

Reports of such [unexplained] phenomena go back over many centuries and through all cultures. Either every single eyewitness account is a matter of delusion/ fraud/ misinterpretation etc., or there is something beyond the natural world as we know it. Science is only equipped to deal with the latter, and so science can only help us by providing natural explanations for these apparently non-natural phenomena. Unless or until it does so, dismissal can only be based on prejudice. - If it is ok, I will answer dhw in two parts. My own experiences may take some thought to recount. - I want to add here about your first part, that altho unexplained phenomena may be a mystery to science as well as most layman, there have been many who claim to not only explain these mysteries, they understand their workings, and many are even able to harness and/or engage these 'so called' phenomena as well. And, as has been mentioned in the guide, just because something is unknown to science does not mean it is unknown to all, or is even "beyond the natural world." I do believe most scientist are correct in believing that everything has a natural explanation, even if they/we don't know what that explanation is. I would even go as far to say that 'everything' is a natural OCCURANCE, even that which man has a hand in CAUSING TO OCCUR. - Man manipulating his surroundings, seen or unseen, for his or others benefit, seems no different to me than a chimp using a stick to get the ants he is after, or a plant calling 'helpers' from other species to stop the destruction of itself. If there are 'others' veiwing our existence from a more advanced society, as we view these occurances, wouldn't it be the way they would see us, just as our viewing the chimp and the stick? Man using what is available for mans own benefit? So, all things considered, isn't EVERYTHING just a natural occurance, just not everything known how it is so (to all)?

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