Other Forms of Life (Evolution)

by George Jelliss ⌂ @, Crewe, Tuesday, December 09, 2008, 15:54 (5655 days ago) @ dhw

George to BBella: "I just go by the evidence. If you can come up with evidence of such beings I'm prepared to accept your hypothesis. Otherwise it is no better than fiction." - dhw: "Fair comment. However, here is a dictionary definition of abiogenesis."The hypothesis that life can come into being from non-living materials." There is no evidence for this hypothesis. Ergo, no better than fiction?" - On the contrary. Life on Earth is known to have existed for some four billion years. Before that there is no known life, only non-living material (though that would include 'organic' molecules, e.g. involving long chains of carbon atoms). This is evidence that life DID come from non-living materials. If not what else could it have come from? We know that all existing life forms depend on carbon-chain chemistry.

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