Knowledge, belief & agnosticism (Agnosticism)

by clayto @, Thursday, March 20, 2008, 16:35 (5919 days ago) @ David Turell

"-----we are in the lucky one. Nothing else is possible." This sort of claim has alway seemed to me to be fundamentally flawed thinking. Whether there is one universe or multiples of multiuniverses the only factor that is required for our world to be one (possibly of many) with intelligent life is that we are here asking the question. If there really is only one inhabited planet (seems unlikely) in the whole of everything it is nothing to do with luck or any sort of god that it is ours that is the one, the very fact that we are here speculating about it means it must be the one (or one of many). 'Nothing else is possible.' On all the empty lifeless worlds there is no one / no thing sitting on a lump of rock thinking 'O how unlucky I am that I do not exist!' - Chris

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