Knowledge, belief & agnosticism (Agnosticism)

by Carl, Thursday, July 24, 2008, 20:11 (5792 days ago) @ dhw

dhw questions Mark's statement:
"The Christian God could not do this. He could perhaps appear before the panel in some form and perform miracles, I suppose. But there would always be room for doubt from a logical point of view." - Here is my take on what he meant. God had to appear to Moses in a burning bush because Moses would not survive seeing God in person. And we only have Moses word that God appeared to him in a burning bush. There is nothing logically proving God appeared at all. Just the word of Moses. - I think Mark's sermon is an eloquent statement of the Christian experience. You may not agree with it, but it is sincere and instructive. Atheists should understand the source of Christian conviction. You will never shake it with Venn diagrams. I think most Christians would agree with option 4) it's all part of a plan we can't understand. - dhw earlier asked for the source of the "inner conviction" that allowed both theist and atheists to be so certain about their positions. I think Mark's sermon should help to answer part of that question.

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