Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by BBella @, Friday, November 13, 2009, 05:53 (5316 days ago) @ Frank Paris

[bb]"Is it possible there are natural laws that are not yet evident or are not yet fully realized by humanity that God can and/may use at times to perform what appears to mankind as miracles?"
> Of course there are laws of nature that modern science does not have an inkling of yet. There are so many things we don't understand yet associated with "dark matter," for example, and probably laws behind phenomena that we haven't even observed yet. -The above is what I was really asking about. You answered my question well enough to add to my understanding of your perspective/theology and I can well see just what you are saying by your answers. I can also see, by your answers, why my question was confusing for you. Many attribute miracles to God when the miracle experienced is laws/phenomena of the universe we/science have yet noted or understood. -bb

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