Problems with this section; for Frank (Agnosticism)

by Frank Paris @, Thursday, November 19, 2009, 01:40 (5310 days ago) @ Frank Paris

Well, maybe I shouldn't give up so easily. I said I'd try to give informal examples of processes and all I've done so far is quote Jungerman, who, amazingly, you found to be a "dense fog." To me he has the clarity of 6500K lighting, which is why I'm so amazed by your reaction. And because of that, you may also find the following to be more "fog."-Human consciousness is also just a process. It doesn't not have any "persistence", the way a lump of flesh like the human brain has. Consciousness is something that comes and goes, even while we're awake! It depends on the human brain as its substrate, but it does not have a continuous existence. Without the activity of the human brain to keep it going, it simply fades out of existence, even while we're alive. When we fall asleep, it goes away. It has no existence outside of process.-Yet those who believe in immortality probably believe that consciousness lives on after death. Well, it does, in other conscious creatures, and in God. In fact, I've said that there is really only one consciousness, the consciousness of God, that creatures when they are conscious, participate in. But the consciousness that is associated with brain activity, stops, when the brain dies. From the standpoint of my theology, what is happening is that the consciousness (that is really God's consciousness) that runs through the brain, stops "running" when the brain dies. God no longer as a channel in that lump of flesh to run his consciousness through.-Of course I have no idea whether any of that helps at all, especially since I think Jungerman's explanations are a lot clearer than mine, and you find them a "dense fog."

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