Introducing the brain: microglial repair mechanism (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, July 23, 2021, 18:49 (1045 days ago) @ David Turell

New discovery:

"Using high-powered imaging, the researchers were able to see, for the first time, that immune cells called microglia were not just removing damaged material after experimental seizures, but actually appeared to be healing damaged neurons.


"Rather than simply cleaning up debris, the microglia began forming pouches. These pouches didn't swallow up damaged material, as many immune cells do. Instead, they began tending to swollen dendrites—the branches of nerve cells that transmit nerve impulses. They weren't removing, the scientists realized; they appeared to be healing.

"These odd little pouches—the scientists named them "microglial process pouches"—stuck around for hours. They often shrank, but they were clearly doing something beneficial, because the dendrites they targeted ended up looking better and healthier than those they didn't.

"'We did not find microglia to be 'eating' the neuronal elements in this context," Eyo said. "Rather, we saw a strong correlation between these interactions and a structural resolution of injured neurons suggestive of a 'healing' process.'"

Comment: this finding is in mouse brains, but points to the early development in evolution of brain protections, which are so necessary to protect the brain's vital functions. In my belief system, a great example of God evolving protections for the human brain.

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