Introducing the brain: new sleep control protein (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, April 30, 2022, 15:17 (765 days ago) @ dhw

QUOTE: hypocretin is suspected to play a role in both insomnia, which is a decreased ability to fall asleep at night, and in narcolepsy, which is a decreased ability to stay awake during the day. People suffering from insomnia may have too much hypocretin in the brain, while people suffering from narcolepsy have too little.

dhw: As someone who sleeps very little at night and frequently nods off during the day, I shall be delighted to tell my family that it’s because I am hypocretin plus at night and hypocretin minus by day. But I suspect they will tell me I am a cretin all the time.

Add iodine to your sleep potions. You are comparable to Edison in habits of sleep and just as productive judging by your curriculum vitae. ;-)

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