Return to David's theory of evolution PARTS 1 & 2 (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 15:14 (824 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: Not to insult you, these oft repeated quotes you find are, as usual, out of context since they are guesses you asked for. God is logical in His own way. We can try to compare ourselves to God, but Adler's characterization applies.

dhw: Not to insult you, but there is no possible context in which you can change the meaning of those words! Nobody can force you to say that you think something is “probable” and you are “sure of something”!

My guesses about God have generally been after you request them.

DAVID: You miss the fact I accept God does what He wanted to do. Logical. He obviously wanted us.

dhw: Anyone who believes in God is bound to believe that he does what he wants to do. If he wanted a free-for-all, he got a free-for-all. If he wanted to design us, then he designed us. But unfortunately, according to your theory, he also designed every other life form, food, econiche, natural wonder etc. in the history of life, which means he wanted them ALL, and that contradicts your theory that his one and only aim was to design us and our food. You can’t explain it, and that is why your only recourse now is to turn your back on logic.

You have created the 'one and only aim' distortion which I view as totally illogical. Humans as a desired endpoint of God's designed evolution is a reasonable observation. After all humans finally appeared at what looks like an endpoint

DAVID (later in this post:) My theory is illogical only by your individual standards. I'm with the group ID who are human also.

dhw: Do ID-ers tell us that humans plus food were God’s one and only purpose, and so he individually designed lots of life forms that had no connection with humans plus food? If so, how do THEY explain the “logic”?

They insist everything in reality is designed by a mind.

Anticipation of use

DAVID: My usual response: God makes species by design. I've been swimming under water since childhood, no gills have appeared. Your faith in cell capacity for speciation is sheer phantasy, based on extreme extrapolation of the real fact, cells act as if intelligent.

dhw: I have a strong suspicion that since childhood you may have occasionally come out from under the water. I’m afraid sneering at alternative theories (cellular intelligence is only one of them) does not make your own theory any the more credible. Is my above version of your theory correct? Or do you think that 3.8 billion years ago your God provided the first cells with a programme for deep diving phenotypic changes?...Please give a straight answer.

DAVID: You know I believe God speciates. I had to come up for air, so how did the early aquatic pre-whales change? In your view, the animals kept trying until their brainless cells designed a system.

dhw: Yes, I propose that the cell communities adapted to their new living conditions by making the necessary changes. And yes, you believe God speciates. I asked you how you think he did it. Specifically: did he provide the first cells 3.8 billion years ago with a programme for whales’ deep sea diving, or did he pop in one night and perform an operation on a few whales to engineer the necessary “phenotypic changes”? Please answer.

Your facetious question has no answer. I have proposed an early program and dabbling as probabilities but in reality, I have no idea. Design requires a designing mind.

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