Return to David's theory of evolution and theodicy (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Saturday, November 18, 2023, 19:12 (184 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: For years, David, you have theorized that your God’s only purpose was to design sapiens plus food, and you do not know why he would have designed and had to cull the 99.9% of species that were not connected to us or our food. A few weeks ago you suddenly claimed that the 99.9% were the direct ancestors of us and our food. I pointed out that this contradicted your theory that approx. 540 million years ago during the Cambrian we and our fellow animals were created by your God without any predecessors, and of current life forms, only birds are descended from dinosaurs. I asked if you could trace a direct line from, say, cats and dogs and crocodiles and lizards to all the life forms that existed during the 3000,000,000 years before the Cambrian (most of which are probably unknown to us anyway)? All you have done since then is dodge the whole issue, as follows:

DAVID: What exists today is the human population and everything else, the 0.1 % surviving from evolution.


DAVID: 99.9% are gone forever and can be forgotten in this discussion.

dhw: Yes, they are gone. Why should they be forgotten when this discussion exclusively concerns your theories (a) that your God specially designed them and culled them although they had no connection with the purpose you impose on him (us and our food), and you can’t think of a single reason why he would have done so, but now suddenly (b) they were all our direct ancestors! If only you would stop pretending that it all makes sense to you, and simply acknowledge that this whole theoretical, contradictory mess - you yourself call it messy, cumbersome and inefficient - might just possibly mean that one or both of your theories are wrong, we could move on.

You are totally confused on how to view evolution. How we arrived is by stages in evolution we can trace fully recognizing there are small and huge gap all throughout the Darwin tree of life. But we can recognize A stage and then B stage and assume it is true jump, since B seems to cone after A. There is nothing but gaps in evolution:

Covered in a new entry:

dhw: Same dodge. A complaint about an illogical theory about God and evolution is a complaint about the theory, not about God, unless you now think of yourself as God.

DAVID: I believe God did it. Not theory to me.

dhw: Did what? You could believe God created life and designed evolution without lumbering us and him with your dislocated and self-contradictory versions of his purpose and his means of fulfilling that purpose! But, dear David, I quite understand your desperate desire to forget the 99.9% that have caused you so much trouble! ;-)

We were part of the 99.9% now extinct. We are part of the 0.1% now existing. But there is no point discussing the 99.9% over and over. I've clearly said I can't know why God did it that way. We are here and as God produced us that way, we were His goal. I know you don't prefer a purposeful form of God based on your proposals of God' personalities, but a purposeful God is my God. My God created the history of evolution we know.

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