Asking of the Designer what we would of any other designer (The atheist delusion)

by dhw, Saturday, July 30, 2011, 10:04 (4692 days ago) @ whateverist

Whateverist: Well drat. I was just nearing the end of a response to your previous response when your revision cast that into oblivion. Never had that happen before. Chance?-That happens to me all the time, and this post is a good example. I am usually in bed when most of these exchanges take place. (I am British.) I drafted two replies last night, and woke up this morning to find a dozen new posts! Never mind, it helps the Americans to keep believing they are ahead of the rest of the world.-Whateverist: Oh well, most of my post simply listed what I suspected to be true about what you called abiogenesis. Since I have no expertise there, I'll let that go.-See my latest post to David.-whateverist: I do recall conceding that you may call what I suspect to be true a belief if you like so long as you understand it isn't a strongly held one. I would classify it as a hunch about something murky where proper conclusions are hard to come by. To say that I must admit that I "take my position on faith" however really goes too far. It isn't as though I hope fervently that abiogenesis is true. I can't see where I have anything more than curiosity riding on it.-"A hunch about something murky" is a great description, and I think curiosity is probably the healthiest motive of all. That's probably what drives most of us on this site, and it seems to me that the more we learn, the more aware we become of how little we know. That doesn't stop us from arguing, though!

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