Asking of the Designer what we would of any other designer (The atheist delusion)

by David Turell @, Sunday, July 31, 2011, 15:22 (4691 days ago) @ xeno6696

> Another way of putting it is this: If you accept that the big bang model agrees with observation, then you implicitly accept the precision of the mathematics that describe it. The models run in experiments like in what I showed use the exact same equations used to study the Big Bang, they just subtracted a force and observed what happened to the universes. If you label these simulations as "guesses" than you really throw the entire Big Bang mathematical model into question--NOT just this particular experiment. 
> [EDITED] hopefully for more clarity...-Now very clear. you ARE a good teacher. But, if the laws were presented before the Big Bang only this universe exists, and that is all we can really know. I still can't accept dealing with a multiverse we cannot see or prove. See my entry in 'protocol' prevous.

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