by Thomas Kelly ⌂ @, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 13:49 (4351 days ago) @ dhw
edited by unknown, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 14:07

dhw,-I haven't examined your replies completely and I may have something to settle this.-You may read part of the work I posted in reply to you from below.-"So may be its wise to do as Jesus said like from Matthew 7:12 below.-So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.-New International Version (NIV)-http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7&version=NIV-If wrongdoers did not receive the knowledge and wisdom as they grew from being babies and in childhood have been ignorant in their living and you were in that situation, judging by the command in Matthew 7:12 from above, what do you desire for you, that ignorant person ?-Some situations may go beyond talking to settle things and then it becomes a judgement of the loss and gain of lives in a defence of mankind in a desire to save the better people.-Do the authorities have the right motivations to protect people ? Is resentment the right motivation ?"-Will you answer the questions of that part ?-From the work you may have looked at "Some situations may go beyond talking to settle things and then it becomes a judgement of the loss and gain of lives in a defence of mankind"-You may agree that part may be explained as showing a defence of using force for preservation and that's what I desired.-In one of your replies I saw something like this "I also see it as a collection of books written, selected, translated and interpreted by humans as fallible as you and me. Your apparent faith in it as a guide may go down well in a Christian community, but you have been bold enough to enter a rather more sceptical den!"-You may want to investigate the subject of another post I made in this forum. You may read part of it below.-"True or false maybe ?-"Chapter XX.—Some Parts of the Old Testament Written to Try Us-Wherefore every man who wishes to be saved must become, as the Teacher said, a judge of the books written to try us. For thus He spake: 'Become experienced bankers.' Now the need of bankers arises from the circumstance that the spurious is mixed up with the genuine."-To read the rest http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf08.vi.iv.xxi.xx.html-End of quoted post.-The word "try" has the same meaning as the word "test" if you had no knowledge of it.

All guessed.

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