by dhw, Sunday, June 03, 2012, 14:21 (4349 days ago) @ Thomas Kelly

Thomas quoted Matthew's advice to love, bless, serve, pray for, benefit etc. our enemies, which I suggested was impractical in certain circumstances. Thomas now says "it becomes a judgement of the loss and gain of lives in a defence of mankind", and there may be "a defence of using force for preservation." So you are now telling me what I was telling you: Matthew's advice requires qualification. What, I wonder, was the point of quoting it in the first place? -I have made it clear that I do not regard the fallible human authors, selectors, translators and interpreters of the Bible as authorities, and you have referred me to a text that says: "every man who wishes to be saved must become [...] a judge of the books written to try us" (try apparently means test) and "the spurious is mixed up with the genuine." So you are now telling me what I was telling you: the books are not to be trusted. And why on earth do you bring in the idea of wishing "to be saved"? Perhaps you are assuming that I wish to be saved or that I need saving? Saved from what? And for what? Here is my situation: I am already well past my three score years and ten, have been lucky enough to have had a wonderfully happy and fulfilling life with a wife and family I adore, a not unsuccessful career, and very few regrets. If this life is all there is, I shall die grateful for having had it. If there is more to come, I hope it'll be as enjoyable for everybody (every soul?) as this one has been for me. -Meanwhile, it saddens me to see the horrible mess the world is in. It has always been in a mess. Organized religion has failed to resolve the mess, and more often than not has added to it or even caused it. Perhaps your Christianity brings you comfort and joy, and that's fine. But if you are living in fear that you will not be "saved", you have my sympathy. You have offered us several sermons full of advice on various subjects. Let me reciprocate. Enjoy every moment of this life, while always doing as you would be done by. Is that not enough for you?

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