Reading God\'s mind (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by David Turell @, Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 21:49 (4158 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: But I think we should move on, which is why I'm starting a new thread.
> In the light of your understanding of God's mind, here are two questions for you, instead of the one I promised:
> 1) If God's intention in creating life was to create humans, what do you think was his intention in creating humans?
> 2) If the Big Bang was the beginning of our universe, but God is an eternal, self-aware energy, what do you think he would have been doing with himself in the eternity before he organized the Big Bang?-Taking (2) first as the easiest: He has been around for an eternity. There have been other universes and probably different results. We can only know this attempt. The others were not failures, just different, but of course, as I am here and now, I can have no idea of what the other attempts were like.-As for (1) why shouldn't a UI want company? This is where I don't trust the standard religious thought that God loves u, that is why He created us, gave us life, free will and that is certainly more entertaining than glowing stars and rocky planets and nothing else. I don't know if 'entertaining' is the right word. 'Interesting' might be better, perhaps 'stimulating' as He watches us. As I've noted in the past, it is not right to give God personal attributes. In the circumstance we live in, we cannot really know His personality and should avoid anthropomorphism. So, I really do not understand God's mind , since I will not attempt to give Him a personality.-But I do see His intention for us to be here. None of the existing theories of evolution demand our appearance. Gould's contingency theory that we are totally an accident again creates the 'enormous odds' objection.

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