Reading God\'s mind (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by BBella @, Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 06:47 (4159 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> > 1)(dhw) If God's intention in creating life was to create humans, what do you think was his intention in creating humans?
> First, I must interject here that, at least from a biblical standpoint, the creation of humanity, in and of itself, may not have been the ultimate purpose. There are indications of this in the biblical texts..... Rev 10:6,7 The seventh scroll was not revealed in the book of Revelation, but it was stated as relating to God's original purpose and specifically states that it had been 'delayed' and after this issue is settled up 'will be delayed no longer.....The reason that I mention all of this is to offer a fourth possibility to your list of reasons that God created human's: That it is part of a larger plan....a larger purpose of which we are ignorant of. -Hi all, I've been away on an extra long trip and haven't really had the time to catch up with all that I've missed since I've been back several nights ago, tonight being the first chance I've had to myself to even be online other than just a few moments. I immediately picked up on this thread because of the curious title. -I think the fourth possibility Tony is mentioning here actually dove tails all most perfectly (in an abstract way) into the Shedding Light On Cell Communication thread about biophotons. I was saying that I believe there is a great possibility that scientist are now studying the messengers of knowledge and information - biophotons. And that I believe, when these messengers are scientifically understood and expounded upon, humans will learn/know/become aware of their own abilities to effect change, not only in themselves, but in their environments, and that this knowledge will be bode well for the good of all mankind and our Earth home (as well as all creation), which then could usher in the very 1000 years of peace prophesied in the scriptures that you spoke of above, Tony. Humans comprehending the ability they have encoded in their very being could be the opening of 7th scroll. This could then usher in this "larger purpose of which we are ignorant of." 
> >(dhw) 2) If the Big Bang was the beginning of our universe, but God is an eternal, self-aware energy, what do you think he would have been doing with himself in the eternity before he organized the Big Bang?
> Who knows? Perhaps, initially he was simply thinking, reveling in the fact that he existed at all. Perhaps, after a time he got bored and began to create as a means of expressing himself. Perhaps, after seeing how wonderful it was, he became aware that he was alone and grew lonely, leading him to create his son, his firstborn. Perhaps the experience of love shared was so great, so intoxicating that he wanted to create more thinking creatures so that they could experience it as well, a sort of love amplified by numbers. I really do not know, and it is all speculation.-The scriptures and the lost scriptures speak of angels as created beings long before man, so there is the possibility there are created beings "out there" even now (of which I have spoken of before that could be what we now call "Aliens". Angels were said to be created eternal beings. If we take the scriptures and expand it's allegorical ideas and see the science as well as the possibilities we can see the possibility these created beings, just like we are created beings, have achieved eternal life, however they may have achieved it (either by being created by a God or evolving into it just as we are on the road to do so). Regardless of how the idea of these eternal created beings got into those books, or even whether we believe the story literally or not (or even if there is or isn't aliens), man has been given, if only within our nature, the desire for eternal life. But these scriptures are warning us, in a sense, that there was disharmony and evil, even within these eternal beings. -So, allegorically, philosophically, and even possibly scientifically, the story says to us who seek eternal life, achieving eternal life solves nothing about the soul and it's distasteful aspects of "being" regardless of how long we live. So look elsewhere. There is something greater to seek and to be considered than finding the gene that turns off death or even finding eternal life. Because eternal life in misery or happiness, is still way too long to spend doing anything we or even the angels know or understand at this point. -The book, in some sense, is saying, humans, you have within you the ability and opportunity to create something that has never been before. With the knowledge and understanding about your own makeup that you are about to obtain, you will be able to create a future like no other. Discover that ability, but before you do, know what it is you truly want. And know this, if it's anything created before, it will not be any better than what you have now, within the known or unknown. And there are scriptures that say, even the whole of creation awaits for us to figure it out. -I believe the understanding of the biophotons are the messengers we have been waiting for that has allowed our foot in that door. So the question still begs an answer; If we knew we have within us the ability to create anything...-Just had to ramble some thoughts sparked by Tony's post...I now return you to your regular programmed mind (lol). Oh, and sorry, didn't have time to edit, because if I did, I probably wouldn't have posted these meanderings.

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