Intelligence (Origins)

by David Turell @, Saturday, March 02, 2013, 14:58 (4079 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> Tony: This is about as far I was able to get before my brain rebelled. :P The problem is not self-awareness, it is the ability to reason. -That has been part of my argument all along. Except I did not use the word 'reason', but self-analytic, the same thing. Thanks for interceding.-> 
>Tony: For example, think about migrating birds. They do not migrate for a few miles, or even a hundred miles. They flock hundreds and thousands of miles every year like clock work, and they do it proactively(i.e. They leave BEFORE it gets to cold for them). There is no good explanation for how this behavior evolved; how this program was written. Without self-awareness, consciousness, AND reasoning the whole house of cards tumbles down. -My new book has a whole chapter on this point. Instinctual behavior is never explained by Darwin's theory.
> Tony: If science says that these animals are not able to reason, then what reasoning consciousness DID come up with the program? -Yes!!!

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