Evolution of Intelligence (Origins)

by BBella @, Monday, April 01, 2013, 21:06 (4048 days ago) @ dhw

Dhw addressing Tony: Your own image of the orchestra was a good one: [...]That is how I see evolution ... not pre-planned, but building intelligently to ever greater complexity, as it combines individual inventions.-Creation might also be considered like an orchestra in another way: Differing elements (instruments) became aware and began to cooperate in an intelligent harmony with each other, that over time, combined in ever greater complexity creating a vibrational scale that eventually became the music of life. -Some could call this whole action God or some might call it evolution, panpsychism, etc. Whether this happening was one harmonious being that created the harmony of all that is, or one harmonious orchestra that created the harmony of all that is, still, all that is is ONE harmonious creation, whatever you choose to call it.

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