Yes, I do offer specifics about TI and reality (Introduction)

by rekastner @, Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 08:27 (3959 days ago) @ dhw

dhw, if you read my published peer-reviewed work on TI you will see that I address quite specifically these questions of what is real and what kind of reality we're dealing with here. Of course I can't address these issues in detail in an 800-word blog post. That was just an introduction to the basic transactional picture. I can understand general discouragement regarding the failure of many QM interpretations to deal satisfactorily with these questions, but I hope you won't adopt a judgment that this approach must also be a failure without having read the work first. I do offer some very specific proposals about what I think QM tells us about reality.-More info on TI and my development of it, and implications for reality, are on my website and in my book (link for 20% off book on my site)

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