fractal patterns; new math approach (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 15:40 (3455 days ago) @ David Turell

Most shapes in geography and biology yield to fractal formulas. here is a new approach for research in this area:-"The method, named fractal Fourier analysis, is based on new branch of mathematics called fractal geometry.-The method could help scientists better understand the complicated signals that the body gives out, such as nerve impulses or brain waves.-"It opens up a whole new way of analysing signals," said Professor Michael Barnsley, who presented his work at the New Directions in Fractal Geometry conference at ANU.-"Fractal Geometry is a new branch of mathematics that describes the world as it is, rather than acting as though it's made of straight lines and spheres. There are very few straight lines and circles in nature. The shapes you find in nature are rough."

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