Romansh: the instability of nothing, rubbish (Introduction)

by dhw, Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 20:41 (3230 days ago) @ romansh

Krauss: What drove me to write this book was this discovery that the nature of "nothing" had changed, that we've discovered that "nothing" is almost everything and that it has properties. That to me is an amazing discovery."-dhw: He appears to have made the amazing discovery that words can mean whatever you want them to mean. "Nothing" now means something, or perhaps even everything. The possibilities of this game are endless, but I think I'll stick to cricket, in which all the players know that "in" means in, and "out" means out, and "nought" means nought.-Romansh: Krauss: "But I don't really give a damn what "nothing" means to philosophers; I care about the "nothing" of reality."-You don't have to be a philosopher to dispute the claim that “nothing” means almost everything and has properties. It makes nonsense of language, and if he doesn't give a damn about language, why should we give a damn about the games he plays with it?

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