Cosmology: standard universe model confirmed (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, August 04, 2017, 23:06 (2464 days ago) @ dhw

Quote: Lambda, the cosmological constant, describes the accelerated expansion of the universe, driven by an unknown force referred to as dark energy. (My bold)

QUOTE: Astrophysicists need precise tests of the model because its ingredients are not completely certain. Dark matter has never been directly detected. Dark energy is even more mysterious, and it's not known whether it actually is a constant or changes over time. (My bold)

QUOTE: It turns out that if we map where these red galaxies are in the sky, we can use them to calibrate the distances of the lenses and background galaxies used in the study.' (David’s bold)

DAVID’s comment: Note the bold. The study uses the red shift which reblak (John) thinks is wrong. Most cosmologists, however, fell they have solidified the standard model of the universe. I agree.

TONY: Basically, that theory is still a bunch of "We don't know but we assume that.,..." and "Because we assume our initial assumptions are true, we assume that this information we have confirms our initial assumptions, none of which can, at this point be proven."

dhw: And I agree with Tony. The whole theory is based on an unproven premise, and in order to explain the unproven premise, scientists invent two mysterious unknown forces called dark matter and dark energy! In certain respects (but not all, because I am an agnostic), it reminds me of the unproven premise that the whole universe and life were specially designed, and that can be explained by a mysterious unknown force called God.

But Tony's point, I think, is God did it. His further point is we think we may know how it all came about, but we don't, but can still believe in God

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