Cosmology: Inflation theory under attack part 3 (Introduction)

by John Kalber, Friday, October 27, 2017, 22:11 (2380 days ago) @ dhw

Hello again. I fear that old age is a wearisome time. My mind still works well but transferring thoughts into typewritten script is a mentally exhausting one finger job – takes hours. This includes constant revision, back and forth until I am satisfied. This is reflected in my apparent failure to understand the Ag Web filing system. I can rarely locate the right location to post my reply – you have doubtless noticed.

I write fairly promptly my questions and answers, but then cannot find the relevant ‘reply’ box. So, I reply to some alternative entry. I have ended up simply not knowing whether I have actually sent what I wrote or not. This leaves me wide open to irritating, energy-wasting repetition and boring my audience.

I write all this only to explain that I never ever deliberately avoid any question.

I feel I have written and argued virtually all I need to about atheism and religion, so will conclude with two points that relate to evolution and cosmology.

First: I absolutely refute the idea that intelligence is required for 'Mother Nature' to do ‘her thing’. ‘She’ being intrinsically guided by automatic inbuilt responses that I designate as the 'Rules Of Engagement'. Nor is it correct to say that if how I describe the machinations of evolution is [more or less] correct, it should be relatively simple for man to unravel and trace back.

The clearest ‘analogical’ picture I can draw goes to show how [comparatively] easy it may be to initiate and complete a process and the hugely difficult problem faced by those who wish to unravel this by working back from completion to initiation.

So: Imagine a spread of undistinguished land at least ten miles square. On this land, our hero, a very average, ‘educationally disadvantaged’ Joe Bloggs, who is fed up with being belittled by the local Mr Smartiepants, decides to build a maze. On this empty tract he sets out a very convoluted pathway [tedious but easy]. He adds adjoining dead ends by the dozen. He then erects the usual impediments to visual range. After a very long time and many mistakes, he is satisfied and challenges Mr Smartiepants to enter the maze at the end and find his way to the beginning.

This proves exhausting - both mentally and physically. He not only cannot find his way but has to persuade Joe to rescue him! Eventually, Mr S invents all the things necessary to solve the problem – a helicopter and camera – all chewing up Mr S financially.

Here we see that being highly intelligent and the genius displayed in finally solving the problem has nothing whatsoever to do with the level of intelligence required to create it!

Second: The ‘Redshift’ problem.

Briefly, conventional cosmology holds that Redshift seen by astronomers represents light from star systems [galaxies] travelling out from the Universe at speeds in excess, in some cases, of an incredible 50,000 miles per second and may actually be increasing! [Eh! What?]

This ‘proves’ [assumption has now replaced fact!] that the Universe is expanding so it must have started out very much smaller. If you make it smaller you are compressing it. For a number of reasons, it was concluded that to make some sort of sense, the presently existing ‘model’ must have been compressed by a pre-existing universe into an incredibly tiny spot they chose to call a ‘Singularity’. At some point, the ‘Singularity’ suddenly expanded with huge force, forming a very large cloudy of gaseous matter. After about 13.5 billions years it had condensed into its present form. During the interregnum, it had been a more or less stationary ball of indeterminate size, busy generating galaxies. This suddenly expanded at what must have been a terrific speed. They know this by simply divining[!] the speed required to get that far away in the time allowed!

However, relying as they do, entirely upon the power of dear old gravity [the weakest known force] they could not make this fairyland physiology work. Undaunted, they tackled this by inventing Black Holes with incredible gravitational power.

Still a ‘no go’. Not enough Matter! Oh dear.

But – not to worry! The Matter must be there or the whole ideology would not exist – we just cannot see it. Thus are born Dark Matter and Dark Energy. However ...

Finally, it is realised that a lot is needed so they are promoted to about 96% of this Universe.

None of this can be explained by existing physical law and we cannot know what laws may have pertained in a previous universe but... they must have allowed this process.

Writing about this tripe is emotionally sickening. How anyone can swallow such invented balderdash really shocks me.

Whilst all ideas should be open to discussion, this one isn’t. ‘They’ maintain that it is [however difficult to believe], yet another wonder of scientific discovery and is the only possible solution!

This further encourages other airy-fairy ‘possible’ worlds and well-paid science magazine writers. And little else!

More needs to be said, so it will need another post

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